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Population Data

American Drentsche Patrijshond Association

Thanks to the diligence of early enthusiasts and breeders, we have fairly accurate data on the evolution of the Drentsche Patrijshond population in the United States and Canada. Some interesting insights can be found below.

Population Growth

In the United States, the Drentsche Patrijshond has had a slow yet steady population growth since data collection began in earnest circa 2010, the same year the breed was added to the American Kennel Club Foundation Stock Service. This graph displays both the approximate living population of Drents each year (orange) and the total number of Drents who have ever lived in the United States (grey).


In recent years, as older dogs have passed, the approximate living population of Drents has plateaued. The ADPA hopes to change that by facilitating sustainable population growth in the breed community. See the APDA Pillars.

# of Puppies Born (US)

ADPA Breeder Members have produced the overwhelming majority of US-born Drentsche Patrijshond puppies in the past ten years, and have produced the only US-born Drent puppies in the past five years.


Inactive Breeders are defined as those who have not produced a litter in over 8 years and do not have any females of breeding age.

Domestic-Born vs Imports

Most of the Drentsche Patrijshond population in the United States has been domestic-born. However, most puppies have been born from imported dogs and their immediate offspring.


Importing new genetics remains vital to the sustainable growth of the Drent population, in addition to careful management and preservation of domestic lines and periodically utilizing foreign dogs in breeding.





# of Puppies Born (US & CAN)

Occasionally, Drent litters are born in Canada. Due to the geographic accessibility of Drents in Canada compared to Drents in Europe, it remains imperative that Drent breeders in North America continue to collaborate.




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