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Code of Conduct

American Drentsche Patrijshond Association

This Code of Conduct outlines the essentials of responsibility for Drentsche Patrijshond owners, enthusiasts, and breeders whose foremost aim should be to “promote the preservation and advancement of the Drentsche Patrijshond as a versatile field, farm, and family dog in America, with a focus on benevolent stewardship, practical education, and community development of and for the breed” (ADPA Mission).


Members shall:

  1. Put the well-being of their dogs and the breed as a whole before any personal gain.

  2. Abide by the vision, mission, and pillars established by the ADPA to the best of their ability and in good faith.

  3. Behave in a manner that reflects credit upon themselves, their dogs, the breed, the sport of purebred dogs, and the ADPA, regardless of the location or circumstance, including in online forums such as social media. Members shall understand that bullying, harassment, persecution, or other hostile behavior in any form and any location or circumstance makes the ADPA and the breed less desirable and thus is harmful to the entire community.

  4. Behave respectfully and honorably in dealings with others and exhibit good sportsmanship at all times.

  5. Maintain the best possible standard of canine health, cleanliness, and veterinary care in an atmosphere conducive to the stable development of their dogs.

  6. Participate to the best of their ability in efforts to assess and improve the physical and behavioral health of the breed, including making health information public, providing samples and information for test development, and sharing information with others.

  7. Endeavor to educate themselves and others about the Drentsche Patrijshond breed in a kind and welcoming manner.

  8. Represent the breed, themselves, and their dogs truthfully and realistically.

  9. Not sell, transfer, or consign a dog to pet shops, or other commercial ventures including lotteries, raffles, or auctions.

  10. Make all possible efforts to keep any Drentsche Patrijshond out of animal shelters or situations of neglect or abuse, including notifying the breeder of the dog involved if known, and assisting as able in bringing the dog to safety

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